
Call of duty cold war ps4 on ps5
Call of duty cold war ps4 on ps5

call of duty cold war ps4 on ps5

In Campaign, holding this button triggers a Takedown.Ĭross – Jump/Stand/Mantle: Jump across gaps, mantle over lower objects such as barriers or windowsills, and climb certain scenery using this button. R3 – Melee Attack: Press in the Right Stick to strike a foe at close quarters with a melee attack. This can be inverted within the Controller “Aim” menu. Right Stick – Aim/Look: Push this stick in any direction to have your character look around or aim a weapon. Alternatively, while using scoped weapon such as a sniper rifle, pressing this button will make your Operator hold their breath, allowing for steadier aim. 元 – Sprint/Steady Aim: If you’re maneuvering, press in the Left Stick while you move to sprint.

call of duty cold war ps4 on ps5

Left Stick – Move: Push this stick in any direction to have your character move around. When using either controller on default settings, its buttons have the following commands (these settings can be adjusted in the Controller Settings Options menu): Because the DualShock 4 and DualSense controllers share a similar button configuration, this guide to Black Ops Cold War’s controls covers both generations of PlayStation consoles.

Call of duty cold war ps4 on ps5